What We Do

What is the role of an Authorising Engineer (AE) Fire?

The demands of Fire Safety Management within a healthcare setting may sometimes require additional and often more technical resource than is available within the organisation’s management team.

DRLC can provide independent verification and audit as outlined within the remit of Authorising Engineer as defined in the Health Technical Memorandum 05 suite of documents (HTM 05).

We undertake a yearly independent audit of the Fire Safety Management Systems by an Authorising Engineer (Fire Safety) to inform the Annual Statement of Fire Safety which is used to provide assurance that the organisation is conforming to the fire safety elements of Outcome 10 of the CQC National Standards. DRLC is able to provide Authorising Engineer (Fire Safety) services either as a discrete fire safety audit, a service to achieve a specific fire safety objective, and ad-hoc source of professional fire safety help and advice or as an external reference to endorse a particular fire safety approach.

DRLC provides fire engineering capabilities combined with unsurpassed knowledge of Building Regulations Approved Document B and British Standards to enable us to advise design teams on their Fire Strategy Development.

What is the role of an Authorising Engineer (AE) Pressure Systems?

An Authorising Engineer for Pressure Systems (AE – PS) is a Health and Safety Risk Management role consultancy service that combines the skills found in engineering and building services. In the UK this specialist role originally emerged from the Ministry of Defence Joint Services Protocol (JSP 375) to reduce risk and improve corporate risk management and compliance processes.

The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 lays-out requirements for the users and owners of pressure systems to demonstrate that they know and operate these systems within the Safe Operating Limits.

Examples of Pressure Systems include: 

  • High Pressure Water Tube Steam Boilers
  • Triple Pass Economic Steam boilers
  • Waste Heat Units
  • Packaged Steam Boilers
  • Autoclaves and other Steam plant and equipment
  • Medium Temperature Hot Water systems designed for operating above 110⁰C
  • Compressed air vessels and systems greater than 250 bar-litres
  • Refrigeration systems (Vapour Compressed) greater than 25kW

An Authorising Engineer for Pressure Systems is an appointment to the organisation and enables the users and owners of pressure systems to be confident that the requirement of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 is adhered to and demonstrates that they know and operate these systems within the Safe Operating Limits.

What is the role of an Authorising Engineer (AE) Ventilation?

An Authorising Engineer for Ventilation is a Health and Safety Risk Management role consultancy service that combines the skills found in engineering, building services and microbiology. In the UK this specialist role originally emerged from the NHS Property and Facilities Management arena, to reduce risk and improve corporate risk management and compliance processes. The standard for healthcare premises is based on the Health Technical Memorandum (HTM 03-01 2021).

The Authorising Engineer is an Independent professional advisor whose primary role is to assist organisations in managing the risks from exposure to microbiological bacteria in engineering systems. This is done by completing non-invasive audits of ventilation equipment and reviewing management systems to provide expert advice as a critical friend to Hospital Operational management teams.

DRLC gives clients a detailed insight into this safety role, how it can increase operational efficiencies, improve management effectiveness and reduce organisational risk. Appointing an Authorising Engineer, expert in the provision of specialist consulting advice associated with the management of Ventilation Systems to provide quality in ventilation systems, including those found in healthcare environments or local exhaust ventilation systems can improve the service provided and increase efficiencies.

What is the role of an Authorising Engineer (AE) Water?

An Authorising Engineer for Water is a Health and Safety Risk Management role consultancy service that combines the skills found in engineering, building services and microbiology. In the UK this specialist role originally emerged from the NHS Property and Facilities Management arena, to reduce risk and improve corporate risk management and compliance processes. The standard for healthcare premises is based on the Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 (HTM 04-01).

The Authorising Engineer is an Independent professional advisor whose primary role is to assist organisations in managing the risks from exposure to microbiological bacteria in engineering systems. This is done by reviewing management systems, completing non-invasive audits of water systems and providing expert advice as a critical friend to Hospital Operational management teams.