Louise Webb
Louise started her career as a Medical student at Edinburgh University. She went on to gain a MSc in Computer Studies at Sheffield Hallam University and spent 5 years working for Sheffield heavy engineering company Davy McKee where she automated the process of sending engineering drawing details to the factory floor. She also created a search engine for engineering estimate production.
After having a break to have two children Louise returned to work for BT as a Senior Project Manager where she gained an NVQ Level 4 in Project Management and helped Google to get its first servers installed in the UK. She also managed the implementation of Firewalls for FTSE100 financial services companies and was instrumental in rolling out broadband to schools in Yorkshire and Humberside.
Looking for a variety of project management experience Louise set up her own company and won work from a variety of clients including Leeds City Council and the Department of Health. Having been asked to create an online training module in Project Management by Sheffield Hallam University Louise realized she enjoyed teaching and went on to teach all levels of students at Hallam University and the University of Sheffield and also University of Bedfordshire and Anglia Ruskin University.
As Project Director Louise has helped DRLC Ltd to grow over the last 6 years and is currently studying for an MSc in Building Services Engineering at Heriot Watt University.