DRLC featured in “The Network” magazine

“The Network” magazine which is the Journal of the Design in Mental Health Network have agreed to carry an advertisement for our services.

DRLC have for a number of years provided services to community healthcare Trusts including advice on Ventilation, Fire Safety and Pressure Systems.

We have added another service to our portfolio which is energy saving advice to enable Trusts to reduce energy costs and work towards net zero carbon.

Our advert in “The Network”

Dr Louise Webb, Project Director, May 2022

DRLC has article published in IHEEM Health Estates Journal (HEJ)

We have been discussing Ventilation, Covid-19 and Net Zero Carbon in company meetings and also with our clients. These conversations culminated in Project Director Louise Webb compiling an article which contains the thoughts of a variety of key players in Health Estates – our own AE Ventilation, David Livingstone, an equipment manufacturer – Andrew Carnegie MD of Air Sentry, Nick Evans NHS Energy Manager for Lincolnshire Partnership and Shaun Sutton MD of ventilation verifiers Air Projects.

Check it out in the printed February 2022 magazine or access it online. Feedback very welcome.